
Denk in hokjes

Role: Concept & copy
Agency: Natwerk
Rebranding an iconic Dutch brand like Denksport, can only be called an honour. We created a new pay-off (Denk in hokjes) and brand story, and ‘evolutionized’ the coverdesign and visual identity. All based on the most iconic part of the Denksport puzzles: the grid of ‘hokjes’.

Brand kick-off

De Hokjespuzzel
We kicked off the new brandstory with a campaign based on a bad habit: hokjesdenken. When 2022 just started off, it seemed to be the year of ‘hokjesdenken’. We created a puzzle about the different ‘hokjes’ proposed by society from januari till march 2022. Hokjes like ‘wappie’, ‘boomer’, ‘kraker’, ‘zevenvinker’ or ‘klassemigratie’. We launched this special puzzle in every puzzleboek of that month, but also in abri’s, a tram-hokje and online video’s.

Art direction by Katharina Goetzendorfer | Design by Yvonne Mak | Production Company: Rubenpaulruben