De Nacht Staat Op
Role: Concept & copy
Agency: Natwerk
Role: Concept & copy
Agency: Natwerk
On a Friday night during corona lockdown we had a talk with 6 angry Amsterdam club owners. They’d had it with the government and would open their doors in two weeks, against the strict corona rules, risking huge fines.
They needed a voice, a message and a story that would unite the Netherlands to support them. The next Monday, we introduced ‘De Nacht Staat Op’, mobilising the Dutch nightlife community behind one message: the need for nightlife. Starting with a single post, within a day we had 18K+ followers. A week later, 40K+ followers and 15.000 tickets sold out.
They needed a voice, a message and a story that would unite the Netherlands to support them. The next Monday, we introduced ‘De Nacht Staat Op’, mobilising the Dutch nightlife community behind one message: the need for nightlife. Starting with a single post, within a day we had 18K+ followers. A week later, 40K+ followers and 15.000 tickets sold out.

Several media exploitants supported us with free media space. The Adam-toren showed our colors. Clubs all over the Netherlands joined. And even cartoonists and Dutch celebs shared our message.

︎︎︎ 15000 tickets sold out in a week.
︎︎︎ 250+ national and international publications online.
︎︎︎ Daily news- and TV-coverage for more than 2 weeks.
︎︎︎ One night full of music, dancing, love and relief.
︎︎︎ All focus in the public debate on the importance and need for nightlife.
︎︎︎ Several fines, never to be collected.
︎︎︎ 3 days later, the government finally announced a date for the clubs to reopen, though they never closed their doors again.
(And... no corona contamination outburst.)
︎︎︎ 15000 tickets sold out in a week.
︎︎︎ 250+ national and international publications online.
︎︎︎ Daily news- and TV-coverage for more than 2 weeks.
︎︎︎ One night full of music, dancing, love and relief.
︎︎︎ All focus in the public debate on the importance and need for nightlife.
︎︎︎ Several fines, never to be collected.
︎︎︎ 3 days later, the government finally announced a date for the clubs to reopen, though they never closed their doors again.
(And... no corona contamination outburst.)
︎︎︎ NRC - Een nacht ontsnappen aan ‘de sleur en het alledaagse’
︎︎︎ VICE - ‘De nacht staat op’ vierde de mensheid in al haar verscheidenheid
︎︎︎ Volkskrant - Na twee jaar drooglegging brandt het vlammetje van het nachtleven weer even
︎︎︎ DJ Mag - Nightclubs in the netherlands to open for one night in protest of covid restrictions
︎︎︎ NOS - Nachtclubs zijn het zat, willen volgende week veilig open
︎︎︎ NRC - Een nacht ontsnappen aan ‘de sleur en het alledaagse’
︎︎︎ VICE - ‘De nacht staat op’ vierde de mensheid in al haar verscheidenheid
︎︎︎ Volkskrant - Na twee jaar drooglegging brandt het vlammetje van het nachtleven weer even
︎︎︎ DJ Mag - Nightclubs in the netherlands to open for one night in protest of covid restrictions
︎︎︎ NOS - Nachtclubs zijn het zat, willen volgende week veilig open

Design by Jeroen Giesen & Yvonne Mak | PR by Wendy Dirksen